Food is never a problem for those who love to cook.

Families which cook and eat together are the happiest.

Beans with coconut



French beans-400 grams
Grated fresh coconut-1
Chopped up Ginger-2 inches
Black Mustard Whole-1/2 teaspoon
Curry leaves-10
Cooking Oil-1 tablespoon
Salt to taste


Wash the French beans thoroughly and cut them into one inch pieces. Steam the beans in the microwave steamer for 5 minutes. In a pan, add the cooking oil and let it warm up. Add the mustard and curry leaves. As soon as the mustard splutters, add the ginger. Stir for a minute. Add the French beans, salt and the grated fresh coconut. Mix and stir well. Your veggie is ready.
© Copyright Prasenjeet Kumar 2013

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