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Spinach recipes: How to make anyone fall in love with the dreaded SPINACH

How to make anyone fall in love with the dreaded SPINACH

spinach recipes

No one needs to be told that spinach is good for your health. Full of Vitamin A, C, K and Iron, Spinach is indeed brimming with nutrition. The problem is that the way spinach is normally cooked makes it too bland, especially for children.
Surprisingly, I always loved eating spinach since my childhood days. I believe a little credit goes to Popeye (who used to get big bulging biceps after having just a can of spinach). However, the maximum credit goes to my mother who realizing that spinach tastes better if mixed with something else (like aubergine or cottage cheese) experimented with making many spinach recipes tasty enough for me to like it.
Here’s then my favourite spinach recipe— “Chicken Cheese Cream with spinach”. This dish tastes so heavenly that I can guarantee you will fall in love with spinach. Here is the entire recipe.
If you are a vegetarian you could try baking spinach with cheese and cream. Or, you could try the Indian-style spinach-aubergine or spinach-cottage cheese dishes.
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